The Western intellectual tradition comprises two primary influences: Greek rationality (Athens) and biblical interpretation (Jerusalem).
Jesus, as the son of God, embodies the most human and humane characteristics of the divine. His suffering and sacrifice provide a means for humans to find meaning in their own suffering, making the divine accessible and relatable.
The idea of trinity is a way of making god’s awesome mystery accessible to people under circumstances in which it would not be accessible. This is the fundamental substradum. This is the mythological foundation of western culture.
Myth is kind of a narrative which is the earliest and in some respects the most primitive kind of explanation but we’ll probably never outgrow it. And the proof is that we never run out of literature. In fact all literary attempts of creating myths which imaginatively engage the human psyche and tell us some things that logic or science perhaps is unable to articulate
The Western tradition is characterized by the interplay and conflict between rational, secular knowledge and religious, emotional wisdom. This dynamic is exemplified in philosophical debates and historical shifts, such as the Reformation and the Enlightenment.