Given all life’s uncertainty and pain, how do we get through it.
Sometimes the illusion works better that the medicine.
Why do things that start off so promisingly always have a way of ending up in the dump for those with any imagination?
Life is managable enough if you keep your hopes modest.
The minite you allow yourself sweet dreams you run the risk of them crashing down.
生活对于那些充满想象力的人来说,总是龙头蛇尾。 如果希望有个限度,那么生活还是可以得过且过的。 如果你老是想做美梦,最后美梦就会破碎。
Let’s drink to good times. Comic or tragic.
The most important thing to do is to enjoy life while you can.
Because we only go round once, and when it’s over, it’s over.
为美好的生活干杯,不管它是悲剧还是戏剧。在有生之年享受生活是最重要的。 因为我们来世上只能走一遭,走了就没了。
You use sex to express ecery emotion but love.
I think the true test is how you weather a crisis. Everyone looks great when everything’s smoothly.
Life is made of change. If you don’t change, you just shrivel up.
Maybe in the end, the idea was not to expect too much out of life.
I learned, anyway, that love is not about passion and romance necessarily.
It’s also about companionship and it’s like a buffer against loneliness,
What kills most people is unreal expectations.
It’s very rare. It has some beautiful arias on it. And his voice expresses everything that’s tragic about life.
The man who said, “I’d rather be lucky than good,” saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It’s scary to think so much is out of one’s control.
有人说“本事好不如运气好,说的一点也不错”, 人们害怕生活中什么都要依赖运气,他们害怕事情超出自己的控制。
It would be fitting if I were apprehended and punished. At least there would be some small sign of justice.
I mean, it seems scientists are…confirming more and more that all existence is here by blind chance. No purpose, no design.
These are all great ideas, but they all suffer from one fatal flaw.
Which is they’re all based on the fallacious notion that people are fundamentally decnet.
Give them a chance to do right and they’ll take it.
They’re not stupid, selfish, greedy, cowardly, short-sighted worms.
Wealth banker, to design their chic apartment, to fill it full of art and expensive possessions, so they can flaunt their money and be in the top 1% of the shameful, violent, prejudiced, illiterate, sexuall repressed, self-righteous nation!
银行家去精心设计别墅,填满艺术收藏品,从此来显示他们的阔气,并且可以在人类这个可耻的、暴力的、充满偏见的、愚昧的、性压抑的、自以为是的种族中跻身前 1%!
My story is whatever works, as long as you don’t hurt anybody.
Anyway you can filch a little joy in this cruel, dog-eat-dog, pointles, black chaos.
我的故事就是 怎样都行,只要不伤害到他人。在这个残酷无情、弱肉强食、毫无意义、混混沌沌的世间偷闲享乐。
Love, despite what they tell you, does not conquer all. Nor does it usually last.
In the end, the romantic aspirations of your youth are reduced to whatever works.
And through an astronomical concatenations of circumstances, our paths cross.
Two runaways, in the vast, black, unspeakably violent and indifferent universe.
This does not run counter to my convictions that love relationship are almost invariably transient.
I’m a profound and sensitive soul with an enormous grasp of the human conditions.
It was inevitable you would eventually grow tired of being so grossly overmatched.
Greatness isn’t easy to live with, even by someone of normal intelligence.
我有一颗深邃和敏感的心灵,对人类的现实一览无余。 不可避免地,你最终会厌倦于生活在我这样高屋建瓴、一览众山小的目光中。 同伟人并不容易相处,更何况你的智力从未达常人水准。
The universe is winding down. Why shouldn’t we?
In you would say in the crude fashion of your generation, I totally lucked out.
It just shows what meaningless blind chance the unvierse is.
Whatever love you can give and get, whatever happiness you can filch or provide, every temporary measure of grace, whatever works.
And don’t kid yourself, it’s by no means all up your human ingenuity.
A bigger part of your existence is luck than you’d like to admit.
Christ, you know the odds of your father’s on sperm from the billions, finding the single egg that make you?
Don’t think about it, you’ll have a panic attack.
There is a difference between a theoretical world of philosophy bullshit and real life.
You know. Real, nasty, ugly life that include greed, hate and genocide.
Much of the philosophy is verbal masturbation.
There’s nothing fine and noble about dying in the mud unless you die gracefully.
And then it’s not only noble but brave.
I believe that love that is true and real creates a respite from death.
All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing. And when the man who is brave and true looks Death squarely in the face.
It is because they love with sufficient passion, to push death out of their minds, until it returns, as it does, to all men. And then you must make really good love again.
You know, I sometimes think,
“How’s anyone gonna come up with a book, or a painting, or a symphony or a sculpture that can compete with a great city?”
You can’t, ’cause, like, you look around, every…every street, every boulevard is its own special art form.
And when you think that in the cold, violent, meaningless universe, that Paris exists, these lights…
I mean, come on, there’s nothing happening on Jupiter or Neptune, but from way out in space you can see these lights, the cafe, people drinking, and singing…
I mean, for all we know, Paris is the hottest spot in the universe.
有时候我想,有谁能创作出能和这伟大的城市相媲美的书 油画 交响乐或者雕塑,不可能 因为你看看四周 每一条街,每一条大道都是其独有的艺术形态,而当你想到在这个阴冷、暴力、毫无意义的宇宙之中有巴黎的存在,有这些灯光,木星和海王星上就什么都没有,但从太空深处,你能看见这些灯光、咖啡馆 、歌舞升平的人们,就我所知,巴黎是宇宙中最性感的地方。
You know, nostalgia is denial. Denial of the painful present.
Gil is a complete romantic. I mean, he would be more than happy living in a complete state of perpetual denial.
And the name for this fallacy is called “golden-age thinking”.
The erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one’s living in.
It’s a flaw in the Romantic imagination of those people who…who find it difficult to cope with the present.
Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” But the examined one is no bargain.
Leonard says, its the poignancy of life, and not only do we have to embrace its meaninglessness, but celebrate life because it has no meaning. It’s too deep for me, but mom always boils it down to: Live every day like its your last. And someday you will be right.
Life is a comedy, written by a sadistic writer though.
I love a “cocktail lounge” piano. Outside it drizzles, grey. New York City, enveloped in the light mist. Two lovers have a date to meet at 6 o’clock. At Grand Central Station, under the clock, like in the movie.
Hobbes: Life is nasty, brutish and short
I think Mr. Nietzsche has disposed of the god matter rather convincingly.
But I’m sure they are like most people, desperate for little hope in a world that has none, and willing to believe anything.
We all hope someone could come along with superpowers, but the only superpower certain to show up wears a black robe.
That the world may or may not be without purpose, but it’s not totally without some kind of magic.