Your enemy is the better version of yourself. He faces every trouble just as you. But he has the freedom, the free will to make choice on his own intention.

You might what’s his attention? What’s his choice based on? How he select the single choice from all the possible choices?

His choice is not based on his emotion. He make choice logically to try to live the life he wants to live. He make choice based on his value, his principle and his dreamed way of life.

  • He tries to take action logically regardless of his emotion. Meanwhile, as an aesthete, he is also willing to enjoy the beauty brought by emotions in some moments of his life.
  • Though he knows his life is ultimately determined by randomness, he is always willing to make a difference.
  • He lives a life of asceticism and he disgust cheap dopamine.
  • He hates these materilistic and capitalistic morons.
  • He knows that trivial things is very important. Everytime you compromise on some small events. It will do more damage than the goodness.

  • 他根据理性而不是情绪决定自己当下的行为。同时,作为一个唯美主义者,他也愿意在生活中的某些片段享受情绪带来的美感。
  • 尽管他知道随机性是自身命运最终的裁判,但是他也愿意用行为去改变现状,因为他深知一个人此生唯一能够控制的事情就是自己的行为,一个人的尊严也全在于此。
  • 他过着一种禁欲主义、斯多葛主义者的生活,他摒弃廉价的多巴胺,他用犬儒主义者的眼光去解构和嘲讽他看不惯的事物。同时,他并不介意利用这些事物为自己谋求某些好处。
  • 他深知细节的重要性,并努力于细节处锤炼自己的个性。
  • 他崇尚自由,他追求时间上的、空间上的以及精神上的自由,这是他工作和生活的终极目标。
  • 他秉持者古典自由主义的态度来看待个人和社会,一方面,他非理性地排斥资本主义中的某些元素,并竭力让自己的生活远离这些元素的戕害。另一方面,限于对于人类本性的悲观看法,他也承认资本主义是人类当下能构建出的最好制度。